National Suicide Prevention Week: Raising Awareness & Making a Difference

National Suicide Prevention Week - September 10-16, 2023

September is a crucial month for the mental health community. Not only is it recognized as National Suicide Prevention Month, but it also features National Suicide Prevention Week, which kicks off with World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10th. This period provides a unified platform for organizations, advocates, and individuals to join hands, spread awareness, […]

How to Tell if a Loved One has Borderline Personality Disorder

Orange County Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment

What are Personality Disorders? Personality disorders are different from other types of mental illness. People with personality disorders often have a hard time accepting that the way their mind works is atypical. Their emotions and reactions to certain situations are different from people without the disorder. People who suffer from depression or trauma usually know […]

Support of California Senate Bill 10

There are very few people whose lives have not brushed with mental illness or addiction. In fact, they touch everyone, whether we know it or not at the time. The sufferer or a friend or family member plagued by mental anguish and a seemingly unknown path out know things have changed, but moments of insight […]

Warning Signs of Suicide

 Suicide Prevention   Imagine there were 45,000 more Americans each year. Unfortunately, there were. They committed suicide. These people were your neighbors, teachers, bankers, and lawyers. They were unknown homebodies and they were celebrities you saw on TV. These people were young, they were old, they were men, and they were women. They were every […]

Suicide Prevention Effect of Ketamine

Ketamine in Suicide Prevention Tragic losses of life from suicide, like the recent passing of iconic designer Kate Spade and the chef, storyteller, and writer Anthony Bourdain are absolutely devastating…and preventable. Each year, nearly 45,000 Americans die by suicide. Furthermore,  for every suicide, 25 more are attempted. With dire statistics like this, we must find a better […]

When a Friend Attempts Suicide

Suicide Touches Everyone When a person attempts suicide, it’s a terrible time for the whole family, as well as friends and other loved ones. Often the attention goes only to the person who attempted suicide. This is understandable. However, family and friends are also victims of suicide, in a different way. Common questions if a friend […]