DBT is an abbreviation for dialectical-behavior therapy and is considered a more comprehensive form of cognitive-behavioral therapeutic treatment practices. The name “dialectical,” in this instance, indicates that the process of joining different opposing thoughts or feelings together, such as approval and diversity. Dialectical-behavior therapy (DBT) sessions primarily gear the attention towards helping patients develop new emotional regulated strategies and mindfulness skills to improve the overall quality of life.
D’Amore Mental Health offers proven evidence-based methods and phone coaching options that target interpersonal effectiveness, eating disorders, and people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Our expert consultation team uses their many years of experience to recognize what different aspects of treatment and DBT skills training that each patient would benefit most from in each of their specific individual situations. DBT therapists tend to recommend this type of therapy when many other forms of personal therapy have been unsuccessful with a health provider.
While being designed to treat for concerns systematically in order of severity, DBT was initially intended to help those struggling from acute suicidal ideation, people with borderline personality disorder, and other extreme emotional distress tolerance issues. Originally, DBT treatment options were organized and meant to be administered in stages to ensure the main problems were being addressed.
Stabilization is the primary focus during the duration of this initial stage of DBT treatment. This is a critical phase of the therapy process because it is likely for the patient to be battling other repercussions of these conditions. A couple of the more frequently seen among patients at this stage include:
During this time, patients often express feelings that they consider this point in time of their life as an all-time low, or that they feel like they have hit rock-bottom. For these reasons, this initial phase of dialectical-behavior therapy is centralized on the principles of crisis intervention and safety for each patient.
The goal that needs to be accomplished before moving onto the next phase is for the patient to be confident with exhibiting control of their emotions and staying away from the previous experienced problematic behaviors.
Even though advancing to the second stage of therapy is proof that the patient’s behaviors maybe a little more under control and stable, there is also the overall well-being and mental health state that the patient may be experiencing.
During this second phase of DBT treatment practices, the client’s past traumatic experiences are uncovered, along with any built up and stored emotional pain. During this phase, the primary goal is for patients to explore the thoughts and feelings that are at the root of their emotional problems instead of burying them.
Finding various aspects of daily routines to improve and enhance the overall quality of life is the main objective in this next phase of dialectical-behavior therapy treatments. Certified DBT therapists accomplish this objective by teaching the patient the importance of applying fundamental maintenance practices such as realistic and the purpose-driven setting of appropriate and healthy goals. The intention throughout this stage of treatment is to promote stability and provide happiness.
DBT therapists work hard during this concluding stage to help and support their patients in continually improving their lives and having consistency advancing from one level to the next. When the patient and therapist develop a bond and are unified, it is much more likely that a strong foundation can be formed so that the new skills and coping techniques developed during therapy can be healthy and long-lasting.
The main point that this stage is made to encompass is to help people both find success in their efforts to recover from their conditions and maintain implementing the skills and strategies they learned to pave the way for long-term happiness and success.
DBT therapy was first introduced by Marsha Linehan, who practiced as a psychiatrist in the 1980s. The new form of behavior therapy was developed to treat borderline personality disorder because it was a mental health disorder that Dr. Linehan struggled with personally in her own life. With close to an additional thirty years of study and research, the results have since indicated that there is a large group of other mental health conditions and behavioral disorders where significant improvements had successfully been made while applying the treatment methods of DBT.
Eating disorders
DBT especially provides that needed help and guidance for those who suffer from communication issues and emotional distress feelings. Benefits are seen as the patient’s emotions become more regulated and controllable while learning how to tolerate negative feelings and problematic scenarios in practical and more effective ways. Patients who work with experienced therapists like those provided at our industry-leading mental health facility are able to overcome the complications of trying to live in the present time and other communication issues.
You tend to get specific structures and goals with every therapy setting. The main attributes of DBT are most often seen in these therapeutic methods are individual psychotherapy sessions, skills training during support group meetings, and also, phone coaching practices.
Much of the research surrounding the effectiveness of DBT treatments have shown it being a potentially ideal treatment option for anyone struggling with:
Substance abuse and other harmful addictions
Binge eating, anorexia, bulimia nervosa, and other types of eating disorders
Dialectical behavior therapy is a highly effective form of treatment that has been used to help people with personality disorders and interpersonal conflicts. It’s also been shown effective in treating mood swings, suicidal thoughts or actions (including self-harm), substance abuse problems – even when those issues stem from trauma.
Dialectics is a process of arriving at new insights by synthesizing two opposed ideas. The major synthesis in dialectical thinking for clients and therapists alike comes from Acceptance & Change, where they combine their individual differences with an understanding that all things are interconnected.
CBT helps patients recognize when their thoughts might become troubling and teaches them techniques for redirecting those mind writes. DBT also provides ways to accept oneself, feel safe from harmful behaviors by managing emotions in order regulate potentially destructive or hazardous actions.
Dialectical behavior therapy is a treatment for people with mental health conditions such as borderline personality disorder. The technique helps reduce self-harm and anger, reduces days spent in hospitalization by half or more (depending on the study), while having almost no negative side effects compared to other treatments out there.
DBT was developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan and her team to help patients with BPD who didn’t respond well enough from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). They added techniques that are unique for this condition, developing a treatment plan suited specifically towards those needs.
Use of DBT has been shown to benefit people with a wide range of mental health problems, including borderline personality disorder and suicidal thoughts. It can reduce the frequency or severity in symptoms that are causing distress for these individuals as well improve their quality living life on many different levels such relationships/work place safety & emotional wellness.
Jamie Mantel is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, with a Psy.D. in psychology. Jamie has worked for non-profits for over 20 years working with agencies, as well as her private practice in Huntington Beach, California.