doctor standing with arms crossed

Our Clinical Reviewers

At D’Amore Mental Health, we believe that providing accurate and insightful information so that our clients and their loved ones can make educated decisions regarding their mental health.  That is why we have licensed mental health professionals review the content on our website.  These professionals have the training and expertise to ensure that the information provided is accurate, reliable, and evidence-based.

Our Clinical Review Team ensures that our website content does not perpetuate harmful stereotypes or stigmatize mental health conditions. They also ensure that the information provided does not give false hope or make unsupported claims about treatment or recovery.

Our goal is to promote mental health education, reduce stigma, and provide support to those who need it.

Gary Tucker

Gary Tucker, Chief Clinical Officer

Gary has a personal history of long-term recovery from addiction and has experienced struggles with mental health issues with close family members.  These experiences inspired ...
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Jennifer Carpenter

Jennifer Carpenter

Jennifer serves as the Chief Operating Officer for D’Amore Healthcare and has 16+ years of experience working in the recovery field. She is a Certified ...
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shanene romero

Shanene Romero, LMFT

Shanene grew up in Riverside County and spent 9 years working at a residential treatment facility for abused children as a Childcare worker. She spent ...
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valerie matweef

Valerie Matweeff, ACSW

Valerie has always had a passion for working with people struggling with mental health issues stemming from family and friends who have struggled with both ...
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joseph cavins

Joseph Cavins, LMFT

Joseph grew up in farm country in Illinois and then migrated to Urbana, where his father practiced medicine and taught at the University of Illinois. ...
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Jamie Mantell - PsyD, LMFT

Jamie Mantell, Psy.D., LMFT

Jamie Mantel is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, with a Psy.D. in psychology.  Jamie has worked for non-profits for over 20 years working with ...
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