Barn with the symbol of Texas painted on the roof sits in a rural area of the state, framed by farmland.
Barn with the symbol of Texas painted on the roof sits in a rural area of the state, framed by farmland.

Looking For Inpatient Mental health Facilities in Texas?

Texas faces a significant challenge in providing sufficient mental health care to its residents. Whether you live in Houston or Austin, today, nearly the entire state—251 of Texas’ 254 counties—are designated as “mental health professional shortage areas” by the federal government. This shortage is particularly alarming given that roughly 5 million Texans do not have health insurance, further compounding the barriers to accessing needed mental health services.

According to a survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 36.8% of adults in Texas reported symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder. Alarmingly, among those experiencing these symptoms, 30% reported a need for counseling or therapy that went unmet. The demand for mental health services is sharply increasing; Texas’s 988 centers saw a 92% increase in calls since 2018, handling 14,000 calls per month, significantly more than the national average of 3,300.

The statistics are a clear call to action. In 2021, the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline responded to 11,502 contacts from Texans in just one month, highlighting the urgent need for support. Furthermore, a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration survey revealed that 8.22% of Texans aged 18 or older experienced a major depressive episode in the past year, with 5.33% having serious thoughts of suicide and 1.78% making suicide plans.

Are You Seeking Comprehensive Mental Health Care Beyond Texas?

At D’Amore Healthcare, located in the serene coastal community of Orange County, California, we understand that finding the right mental health treatment can be challenging. While Texas offers many resources, sometimes the path to recovery requires a fresh environment and a tailored approach that local options might not provide. If you’re considering out-of-state treatment, D’Amore Healthcare offers a unique and personalized approach to mental health care that prioritizes your individual needs.

Comprehensive and Integrated Treatment For A Variety of Mental Health Issues

Depression is a common emotional disorder marked by prolonged feelings of intense sadness, hopelessness, and disinterest in previously enjoyed activities. This condition can disrupt one's work, sleep, eating habits, and overall zest for life. The intensity of depression can range widely, typically presenting a profound shift in mood and daily function.

Bipolar Disorder involves significant mood fluctuations, from extreme euphoria or irritability (mania) to deep depression. Bipolar I Disorder is characterized by severe episodes at both ends of the mood spectrum, whereas Bipolar II Disorder involves a less intense form of mania known as hypomania.

Anxiety Disorders encompass a variety of conditions where chronic and overwhelming anxiety adversely affects daily functioning. This group includes disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder. Common treatments include cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is defined by persistent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and ritualistic behaviors (compulsions) that a person is driven to perform. These compulsions and obsessions can significantly disrupt everyday life, with treatments typically involving psychotherapy and medications.

Schizophrenia & Schizoaffective Disorder represent severe mental health conditions impacting a person’s thinking, feeling, and behavior, often resulting in delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized thought processes. Schizoaffective disorder includes symptoms of both schizophrenia and mood disorders.

Adult ADHD is identified by ongoing issues with attention, impulsiveness, and overactivity, which can profoundly affect one's daily living, relationships, and work. Treatment strategies often combine medications, psychotherapy, and lifestyle adjustments.

Dual Diagnosis describes the concurrent presence of a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder, necessitating a comprehensive treatment strategy that addresses both conditions through detoxification, rehabilitation, and supportive therapies.

Suicidal Ideation involves thoughts of, planning for, or an obsession with suicide, ranging from brief considerations to elaborate planning. Treatment approaches often focus on crisis intervention, therapeutic support, and medications, prioritizing safety planning and treatment of the underlying mental health issues.

Chronic Pain is long-lasting pain that persists for months or even years and can severely affect one's mental health and quality of life. Managing chronic pain typically involves a multifaceted approach, including medical treatments, physical therapy, psychological support, and lifestyle changes.

Why Choose D’Amore Mental Health?

At D’Amore Healthcare, we go beyond traditional mental health treatment. Situated in the welcoming environment of Southern California, our facility combines the expertise of highly qualified professionals with an innovative approach to mental health care. Understanding that each journey to recovery is unique, we tailor our treatments to fit your personal history, circumstances, and wellness goals. This patient-centered methodology ensures not only immediate relief but also long-term resilience and well-being.

D'Amore Healthcare® Has Exclusive Resources And Tools

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) combines individual psychotherapy with group skills sessions to help individuals manage severe emotional disturbances, self-harm behaviors, and unstable relationships. DBT emphasizes developing skills in four crucial areas: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness, aiding in achieving emotional and psychological stability.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a proven, structured approach that helps individuals identify and correct problematic thoughts and beliefs. Through targeted interventions, CBT modifies adverse behaviors and is effective in treating a variety of psychological issues, including depression, anxiety disorders, and specific phobias.

Equine Therapy utilizes guided interactions with horses to foster emotional healing and personal growth. This therapy goes beyond riding to include activities like grooming and leading horses, which are instrumental in building skills such as empathy, self-awareness, and communication.

Art and Music Therapy involve using the arts as a medium for therapeutic expression. These therapies facilitate the exploration and expression of emotions through creative activities, providing an alternative for those who might struggle with more conventional forms of therapy.

Individualized Treatment recognizes the uniqueness of each client’s path to recovery by customizing therapeutic interventions to fit specific needs and personal circumstances, ensuring a more effective and impactful treatment experience.

Medication Management focuses on the meticulous oversight and fine-tuning of psychiatric medications. This collaborative process involves patients in the decision-making to enhance treatment efficacy and symptom management.

Family Therapy aims to enhance familial relationships and communication, address conflicts, and explore the dynamics that might influence a family member's mental health. This therapy modality delves into family roles and patterns, fostering healthier interactions and support systems.

Group Therapy offers a communal and supportive setting where individuals can share their experiences and learn from peers facing similar challenges. It is a space for practicing new skills, gaining insights, and receiving supportive feedback within a safe and encouraging environment.

Crisis Stabilization provides immediate assistance and intervention by experienced providers for individuals in a mental health crisis. These services deliver rapid, short-term treatment aimed at quickly stabilizing the person, ensuring their safety, and setting the stage for ongoing recovery efforts.

Extended Care: Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program

D’Amore Healthcare’s Extended Care offers a robust Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) that serves as a vital bridge between inpatient care and traditional outpatient services. This program is an ideal solution for those transitioning from a residential setting or for individuals requiring a structured treatment regimen without full-time hospitalization, such as a partial hospitalization program.

D’Amore’s Extended Care IOP is dedicated not just to managing symptoms but to fostering a supportive community and lifestyle conducive to recovery. For those looking for a flexible, intensive treatment option that allows them to stay connected to their daily lives, our IOP offers a comprehensive solution.

Transitioning from Texas to California for Treatment

We understand that considering treatment away from home is a significant decision. That’s why D’Amore Healthcare not only offers a change of scenery but a supportive community and a new beginning. Transitioning to our California facility can provide the mental reset needed to engage fully with your treatment, free from the distractions or triggers present in your everyday environment.

Located in close proximity to John Wayne Airport in Orange County, D’Amore Healthcare makes the transition as smooth as possible. We offer complimentary pick-up services from John Wayne Airport (SNA) and Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), ensuring that your journey to our center is comfortable and stress-free. This service allows family members to feel secure, knowing that their loved ones are cared for from the moment they land.

Upon arrival, our staff ensures that you are welcomed warmly and settled comfortably. This immediate support helps alleviate the stress of travel and adjustment, allowing you to begin focusing on your recovery as soon as you arrive.

If you’re from Texas and feel that local treatment options haven’t met your needs, consider D’Amore Healthcare in California. Reach out to us today to discuss how we can tailor our treatment to your unique situation and help you on your path to recovery.

Comprehensive Inpatient Care at D’Amore Mental Health

When a loved one is facing a mental illness, finding the right support can make all the difference. At D’Amore Healthcare, we offer a comprehensive inpatient treatment program designed to meet the unique needs of each individual. Our treatment center specializes in providing personalized inpatient care in a nurturing environment, away from the stressors that may exacerbate mental health issues.

At D’Amore Healthcare, we are dedicated to providing compassionate and effective inpatient care that respects the privacy and needs of each patient. Our goal is to help individuals regain control of their lives and return home with confidence and stability.

Ready to Explore Your Options?

If you’re from Texas and feel that local treatment options haven’t met your needs, consider D’Amore Healthcare in California. Reach out to us today to discuss how we can tailor our treatment to your unique situation and help you on your path to recovery.

For more information or to start your journey with us, please contact us or call our dedicated support team. We’re here to support you every step of the way.