D’Amore means LOVE. We chose this name for our Mental Health Treatment Center because we believe in goodness, love, heart, and soul. The primary objective of our employment screening process is to search for individuals who are passionate about establishing warmth and connection in the Healthcare field.
Open communication, compassion, and remaining a student of our patients helps us define a customized treatment program that delivers on the most amazing personal service we provide.
Please email us your resume and application to hr@damorementalhealth.com
Working in human services is rewarding on many levels. However, many individuals who have interest in working in the field tend to apply more personal knowledge. They also may have interests in personal experience than best practices, boundaries and data-driven personal discipline.
The D’Amore Healthcare® culture of warmth and connection is successful because our selection process requires individuals to have thousands of hours of field experience or formal training and education. If you are eager to work in the field and have not accumulated sufficient work experience or credentialing, please consider volunteering at one of our outings or events. Contact us for more information.