Category: Behavioral Addiction

Insights into various forms of behavioral addiction, with articles detailing therapeutic strategies and recovery outcomes.

Managing Stress Caused by Technology

Do you constantly check your emails, texts or social media accounts? If so, you (like 43 percent of Americans) may be causing yourself unneeded screen

Screen Stress Series Part 3

Screen Stress Series:: Unwired Part 3 of 3 Confusion We only get one brain and one spine. Together these make up the Central Nervous System

Screen Stress Series Part 2

Screen Stress Series:: Unwired Part 2 of 3 Physical Reactions to Screen Stress I got to thinking about screen stress when I was at a

Sex Addiction Q&A

  Sex Addiction Q&A with Jamie Mantell, LMFT Preface by Jamie Mantell, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist at D’Amore Healthcare in Orange County, California: