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Trauma Bonding: Signs, Stages, and Recovery

Trauma bonding represents a complex emotional state where individuals develop deep attachments under conditions of abuse, manipulation, and control. This psychological phenomenon transcends the boundaries of romantic relationships, touching on various interpersonal dynamics, including familial connections, friendships, and even situations as extreme as kidnappings. Through the exploration of the intricacies of trauma bonds, it becomes evident that these connections are not formed out of love or affection in the traditional sense, but rather through cycles of abuse interspersed with moments of positive reinforcement.

Understanding the Mechanisms Behind Trauma Bonding

Trauma bonding is a psychological phenomenon that emerges within abusive relationships, characterized by a paradoxical bond between abuser and victim through cycles of abuse and intermittent positive reinforcement. This complex interplay between negative and positive interactions creates a powerful emotional attachment, making it difficult for the victim to leave the abusive situation. To fully grasp the mechanisms behind trauma bonding, it’s crucial to delve into the psychological underpinnings and dynamics at play.

Psychological Underpinnings

  • Intermittent Reinforcement: At the heart of trauma bonding lies the principle of intermittent reinforcement, where positive rewards (such as affection, apologies, or promises of change) are sporadically doled out amidst periods of abuse. This unpredictability of rewards fosters a compulsive engagement in the relationship, as the victim holds onto hope for the ‘good’ moments despite the prevailing abuse.
  • Cognitive Dissonance: Victims of trauma bonding often experience cognitive dissonance, a psychological state where there is a discrepancy between their beliefs (e.g., the relationship is harmful) and behaviors (e.g., remaining in the relationship). To reduce this dissonance, victims may rationalize the abuse or idealize the abuser, further entrenching the bond.
  • Stockholm Syndrome: Trauma bonding shares similarities with Stockholm Syndrome, where hostages develop positive feelings towards their captors. In both scenarios, the victim’s survival instinct may subconsciously prompt them to empathize with their abuser, mistakenly interpreting the absence of abuse as an act of kindness.

Emotional and Behavioral Dynamics

  • Fear and Love Cycle: The cycle of abuse and positive reinforcement creates a confusing amalgam of fear and love. The abuser’s unpredictable behavior triggers anxiety and fear in the victim, which are temporarily alleviated during moments of kindness or remorse from the abuser, reinforcing the emotional attachment.
  • Isolation: Abusers often isolate their victims from friends, family, and potential support networks, increasing the victim’s dependence on the abuser for emotional and often physical sustenance. This isolation magnifies the trauma bond as the victim’s world narrows to the confines of the abusive relationship.
  • Self-Esteem Erosion: The continual cycle of devaluation and criticism by the abuser erodes the victim’s self-esteem, leading them to believe that they are unworthy of love and respect outside of the relationship. This erosion of self-worth makes it more challenging for the victim to envision a life independent of their abuser.

Signs and Symptoms of Trauma Bonding

Trauma bonding, characterized by a strong emotional connection forged in the crucible of abuse and manipulation, manifests through various signs and symptoms that can often be difficult to recognize from the inside. Identifying these signs is a crucial step in acknowledging the existence of a trauma bond and seeking help. Below are key indicators that someone might be experiencing a trauma bond:


  • Rationalization of Abuse: Victims often find themselves justifying the abuser’s behavior, attributing it to stress, external pressures, or even blaming themselves for the abusive actions. This rationalization masks the severity of the abuse and keeps the victim tethered to the relationship.
  • Isolation from Support Networks: Abusers frequently attempt to sever the victim’s connections with friends, family, and any external support system. The victim may also withdraw voluntarily, driven by shame, guilt, or the fear of not being understood.
  • Intense Loyalty Despite Abuse: A hallmark of trauma bonding is unwavering loyalty to the abuser, even in the face of recurrent abuse. This loyalty often defies logic to outsiders and can perplex those unaware of the dynamics of trauma bonding.
  • Emotional Dependence on the Abuser: Victims may believe that their emotional and sometimes physical survival is intertwined with the abuser, leading to a profound dependence on the relationship for their sense of self and emotional well-being.
  • Difficulty in Leaving the Relationship: Despite recognizing the harmful nature of the relationship, victims often find it incredibly hard to leave. Fear of being alone, financial dependence, or the belief that the abuser will change are common reasons that keep victims trapped.
  • Experiencing Withdrawal Symptoms: Similar to addictive substances, leaving a trauma-bonded relationship can lead to withdrawal symptoms, including intense cravings for the abuser’s attention, anxiety, depression, and physical symptoms of distress.
  • Cyclic Breakdown and Reconciliation: The relationship may undergo numerous cycles of abuse, followed by apologies, reconciliation, and brief periods of calm before the cycle of abuse recommences. Each cycle reinforces the bond and makes it more challenging to break free.
  • Mixed Feelings of Love and Fear: Victims often experience a confusing mix of love, fear, and sometimes even hatred towards the abuser. These conflicting emotions contribute to the complexity of the trauma bond and the difficulty in addressing it.
  • Defending the Abuser: Victims might defend or cover up the abuser’s actions when speaking to others, minimizing the abuse or redirecting blame to protect the relationship and the abuser.
  • Changes in Self-Perception: Over time, victims may notice a decline in their self-esteem and self-worth and an increasing sense of hopelessness or helplessness, often internalizing the negative messages conveyed by the abuser.


Recognizing these signs and symptoms in oneself or others can be the first step toward breaking the cycle of abuse and seeking healing. It’s important for victims to know that help is available and that recovery is possible with support and professional guidance.

The Stages of a Trauma Bond

Trauma bonding, a psychological phenomenon rooted in cycles of abuse and intermittent reinforcement, unfolds in stages that encapsulate the manipulative dynamics of the abuser-victim relationship. Understanding these stages is pivotal for recognizing the bond and embarking on the path to recovery. Here’s a closer look at the progression of a trauma bond:


  • Love Bombing: The inception of the trauma bond often starts with love bombing, where the abuser inundates the victim with affection, attention, and promises of an ideal future together. This stage is designed to charm and disarm the victim, creating a powerful emotional connection that sets the foundation for dependency.
  • Trust and Dependency: Leveraging the initial connection, the abuser seeks to deepen the victim’s trust and reliance on them. Through calculated actions and gestures, they create an environment where the victim feels increasingly attached and emotionally dependent, making it difficult for the victim to imagine a life without the relationship.
  • Criticism and Devaluation: With the victim’s dependency secured, the abuser begins to introduce criticism and devaluation, undermining the victim’s self-esteem and sense of worth. This stage is marked by subtle insults, belittlement, and actions that make the victim question their own value and reality, further entrenching the bond.
  • Gaslighting and Manipulation: A critical stage in the trauma bond, gaslighting involves the abuser denying and distorting reality to make the victim doubt their own perceptions and sanity. This manipulation fosters an environment of confusion and insecurity, where the victim becomes even more reliant on the abuser for validation and truth.
  • Resignation and Submission: Faced with ongoing abuse and manipulation, the victim may enter a state of resignation, accepting the abusive behavior as normal or unavoidable. This submission reinforces the bond, as the victim feels powerless to change the situation or escape the relationship.
  • Cycles of Abuse and Reward: The trauma bond is maintained through cycles of abuse followed by periods of reward or kindness from the abuser. These intermittent positive reinforcements create a confusing mix of fear, hope, and loyalty in the victim, making the bond incredibly difficult to break.
  • Realization and Awakening: For many victims, breaking free from a trauma bond begins with the realization of the abusive nature of the relationship and its detrimental impact on their well-being. This awakening is often triggered by external intervention, personal boundaries being crossed, or a moment of clarity about the cycle of abuse.
  • Seeking Help and Support: Recognizing the trauma bond is only the first step; seeking professional help and support is crucial for recovery. Therapeutic interventions, support groups, and resources dedicated to survivors of abuse provide the tools and community necessary for healing and rebuilding one’s life.


Understanding the stages of a trauma bond offers insight into the manipulative tactics of abusers and the psychological traps that ensnare victims. It highlights the importance of awareness, support, and professional guidance in navigating the path to recovery and reclaiming autonomy and self-worth.

Breaking Free from Trauma Bonds

Breaking free from the grips of a trauma bond is an arduous journey that demands courage, resilience, and support. It involves untangling oneself from the deep-seated emotional ties that bind the victim to their abuser, a process that is as much about reclaiming one’s identity and autonomy as it is about severing ties. Here we explore the essential steps and considerations involved in this liberating yet challenging path to recovery.

Acknowledgment and Awareness

The first critical step in breaking free from a trauma bond is acknowledging its existence. This means coming to terms with the abusive nature of the relationship and recognizing the patterns of manipulation and control exerted by the abuser. Awareness is empowering—it shifts the narrative from one of victimhood to an active pursuit of freedom and healing.

Establishing Boundaries

Setting clear and firm boundaries with the abuser is crucial. This may involve cutting off contact, seeking legal protection, or making significant life changes to ensure safety and prevent further manipulation. Establishing boundaries is a powerful act of self-preservation and a declaration of independence from the abuser’s control.

Rebuilding Self-Esteem and Identity

Trauma bonding erodes self-esteem and can leave victims feeling lost and disconnected from their sense of self. Rebuilding this sense of identity involves engaging in activities that foster self-expression and self-worth, such as hobbies, education, or career advancement. Affirmations, self-compassion exercises, and mindfulness practices can also help in restoring self-esteem and promoting a positive self-image.

Embracing the Healing Process

Healing from a trauma bond is a nonlinear process fraught with challenges and setbacks. It’s important to embrace this journey with patience and kindness towards oneself, recognizing that healing takes time. Celebrate small victories and progress, no matter how insignificant they may seem.

Education and Advocacy

Educating oneself about the dynamics of abusive relationships and trauma bonding can fortify one’s resolve to break free and recover. Additionally, some find purpose and healing in advocating for others who are facing similar struggles, turning their painful experiences into a force for positive change and awareness.

Future Relationships

Learning to trust and engage in healthy relationships after experiencing a trauma bond requires time and self-reflection. It’s crucial to understand the red flags of abusive behavior and the characteristics of healthy, respectful partnerships. Consider therapy or counseling as part of preparing for future relationships, ensuring that patterns of trauma bonding are not repeated.

Breaking free from a trauma bond is a testament to an individual’s strength and resilience. It’s a journey that not only leads to liberation from abuse but also paves the way for personal growth, self-discovery, and the possibility of healthier, more fulfilling relationships in the future. Remember, while the path may be difficult, reclaiming your autonomy and well-being is a profoundly empowering and life-affirming endeavor.

The Path to Healing

Healing from trauma bonding is a deeply personal and often nonlinear process. It entails not only breaking free from the abusive relationship but also addressing the lingering effects of the bond on one’s mental and emotional well-being. Support groups and therapy provide vital spaces for survivors to share their stories, validate their feelings, and learn from others who have navigated similar paths.

The journey towards recovery emphasizes the importance of self-care, positive self-talk, and the establishment of healthy boundaries in future relationships. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the possibility of reclaiming one’s life from the grips of abuse.


Edited For Accuracy By:

Picture of Jennifer Carpenter

Jennifer Carpenter

Jennifer is a Certified Treatment Executive (CTE) and holds credentials in the behavioral health field to include certifications as a Qualified Mental Health Specialist and a Certified Admissions and Marketing Specialist with CCAPP.

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Benjamin Smith
Benjamin Smith
00:57 06 Mar 19
I have been an employee since 2016 and want to share my experience with D'Amore Healthcare. It is a very supportive environment for employees and opportunities abound here for those who want to blaze a new path for themselves! Because of the industry we are in it is a challenging work environment at times but it's remarkably stimulating and there is all the encouragement one could possibly ask for to help in meeting and surmounting those challenges so that one can reach their goals and leave work each day feeling they had made a positive difference. I have worn several hats at this company, both working with patients and working in the office, both overnight and during the day. I have always felt supported in everything I have tried to do, from the CEO and other Administration all the way down, and anytime I have been open with them about my needs they have worked with me in a way no other employer ever has to help me thrive despite whatever challenges may develop. I will forever be grateful for the opportunities I have been given here. Learning how to meet new challenges in a career is always an ongoing process, and I still have much to learn, but I am confident that I will continue to be shown the support and help that I've always found here.read more
Heather Saunders
Heather Saunders
01:00 01 Mar 19
D'Amore helped me in many ways it helped me build my confidence and learn skills to help me though my psychiatric problem and craving to feed my addiction I think my experience with the staff was amazing they challenged me when I was holding back and praised my accomplishments I am grateful I had the experience of getting help from this place I am still working on staying clean I have not given up I just keep going. I have a job now too I also got help from them to get treatment after I finish at D'Amore I really appreciate that because I'm doing very well right now.read more
Heather Saunders
Heather Saunders
01:00 01 Mar 19
D'Amore helped me in many ways it helped me build my confidence and learn skills to help me though my psychiatric problem and craving to feed my addiction I think my experience with the staff was amazing they challenged me when I was holding back and praised my accomplishments I am grateful I had the experience of getting help from this place I am still working on staying clean I have not given up I just keep going. I have a job now too I also got help from them to get treatment after I finish at D'Amore I really appreciate that because I'm doing very well right now.read more
Benjamin Smith
Benjamin Smith
02:02 28 Feb 19
I have been an employee since 2016 and want to share my experience with D'Amore Healthcare. It is a very supportive environment for employees and opportunities abound here for those who want to blaze a new path for themselves! Because of the industry we are in it is a challenging work environment at times but it's remarkably stimulating and there is all the encouragement one could possibly ask for to help in meeting and surmounting those challenges so that one can reach their goals and leave work each day feeling they had made a positive difference. I have worn several hats at this company, both working with patients and working in the office, both overnight and during the day. I have always felt supported in everything I have tried to do, from the CEO and other Administration all the way down, and anytime I have been open with them about my needs they have worked with me in a way no other employer ever has to help me thrive despite whatever challenges may develop. I will forever be grateful for the opportunities I have been given here. Learning how to meet new challenges in a career is always an ongoing process, and I still have much to learn, but I am confident that I will continue to be shown the support and help that I've always found here.read more
Thomas Ternus
Thomas Ternus
23:37 29 Jan 19
D'Amore changed my life. I have been to many other treatment facilities and D'Amore takes the cake. The staff are very friendly and attentive to your needs. The substance abuse education is top notch, and individual therapy sessions are very thorough. I am a better husband and father thanks to D'Amore, thank you to you all.read more
david demille
david demille
03:41 10 Jan 19
As a clinician who works in treatment, I appreciate the fine work of D'Amore. The care and support they provide to their clients is excellent. I hear from some of their past clients who consistently speak highly of the quality of their program and staff. They are a credit to the field of mental health and substance abuse treatment!read more
Sulabha Abhyankar
Sulabha Abhyankar
19:15 09 Jan 19
As a professional in the recovery behavioral health field for over 30 years, I would absolutely recommend D’Amore Healthcare. When referring patients, I know that they will receive the best care for primary mental health treatment, as well as detoxification and dual diagnosis/substance abuse treatment. D’Amore delivers kindness, structure and hope to their patients 24 hours a day and the individualized, 1:1 attention they provide to each patient allows them to grow as empowered individuals. The treatment team is amazing and the program is dynamic while integrating today’s best practices to provide the best care to their patients.read more
Meg Wheeler
Meg Wheeler
05:13 07 Jan 19
I came to work at D'Amore in September 2017. At the time I was strongly against working in an inpatient setting due to standard poor treatment of individuals while in this level of care. I was convinced-due to past experience-all residential settings were the same. D'Amore proved me wrong on day one and continues to prove me wrong each and every day. Starting from management and administration, staff are constantly trained and reminded to be compassionate, empathetic, and kind, and they truly embody these attributes. We are also treated well as employees, which is part of the reason why the love for those in our care is so genuine. I am thankful for everything D'Amore continues to provide me with everyday. We all truly care for your loved ones as if they were our own. We will keep doing this amazing work!read more
Ivy Moon
Ivy Moon
07:40 06 Jan 19
D’Amore Healthcare was an absolute blessing for our family! My husband needed mental health treatment and I came across D’Amore Healthcare. Jennifer in the office was amazing, so patient and caring for the needs of my husband (and still is!). She got him admitted right away and assured me D’Amore was the right place for him to treat his needs. The 30-day program he was in was rough on our family, but so worth the treatment he received. He came out a better person, better father, and better husband!He still struggles at times with his mental health, but the program has given him the tools to overcome it and not let it overcome him. He’s also been attending the alumni meetings which help him with additional therapy and regain confidence in himself. I know my husband thanks the program for his treatment, but I thank D’Amore for giving me my husband back!read more
20:35 18 Dec 18
D’Amore is saving my granddaughter’s life! She has mental illness problems and drug addiction. She has been to 2 addiction rehabs, 1 other co-occurring rehab and now D’Amore. The other co-occurring place did very little to help her mental illness and they ended up kicking her out. D’Amore has worked so hard on both of her problem areas and have never given up on her. The staff is exceptional and they really do care! My beautiful granddaughter has told me, “Nana, This is the first place I feel comfortable in so I have opened up and talked about bad things that have happened in my life. Stuff I have never told anyone, not even you.” I cried when she said that because I know she’s on her way to recovery. I have to thank Jennifer, Kristen, Erin, Drew and all of the staff (I can’t remember everyone’s name.) D’Amore, you are in my prayers to continue saving women and men. God Bless you all!read more
Chantal Lessard
Chantal Lessard
00:11 04 Dec 18
D’Amore has been so incredible with helping men and women who struggle with depression, anxiety, PTSD, trauma, etc. I work in the recovery field and we have sent clients who we thought were primary substance abuse but ended up showing signs of needing a primary mental health facility and have come back to us stable and happy and ready to become productive members of society. We are so grateful that there is a safe place out there that we can trust with saving our clients lives. The staff goes above and beyond and they do amazing clinical work.read more
Michael Yamashiro
Michael Yamashiro
20:37 28 Nov 18
I am the program manager at D'Amore Healthcare and couldn't be more proud of the work we do here. Each staff member at D'Amore comes into shift with an open heart and mind. We never judge or stigmatize, instead we empathize and educate. Having co-workers that believe in this framework, ensures that patients are approached with dignity and respect. Working at a company that values human dignity and emphasizes this approach is not only refreshing, but empowering. We are making differences in peoples lives here. The work is not easy, but with dedicated and knowledgeable staff, change is possible.read more
Ailana Saria Donato
Ailana Saria Donato
18:58 26 Nov 18
Working at D'Amore Healthcare is such a fulfilling experience. One thing I admire about the company is that D'Amore Healthcare values self-care, which makes sense as how can we (staff) share love and care to our patients if we can't provide that for ourselves first? Another thing I admire is the constant checks and balances. We make sure that we are on top of everything we do. Lastly, it makes my heart smile when not only patients say, "This is WAY DIFFERENT from the previous places I've been!", but staff mentioning this as well. It's such a blessing to work at D'Amore Healthcare and watch people grow and bloom from day 1.read more
Michael Yamashiro
Michael Yamashiro
22:54 23 Nov 18
I am the program manager at D'Amore Healthcare and couldn't be more proud of the work we do here. Each staff member at D'Amore comes into shift with an open heart and mind. We never judge or stigmatize, instead we empathize and educate. Having co-workers that believe in this framework, ensures that patients are approached with dignity and respect. Working at a company that values human dignity and emphasizes this approach is not only refreshing, but empowering. We are making differences in peoples lives here. The work is not easy, but with dedicated and knowledgeable staff, change is possible.read more
Joshua Saurbier
Joshua Saurbier
01:21 20 Nov 18
I was here for 60 days and it was a great experience. I Learned a lot They have a really good clinical team they does groups and individual therapy. Also you get to go on outings Things like the gym,meetings the park. There is a chef that cooks really amazing food every night for dinner. The staff is all very nice they do their job and listen when you need to talk, specially Julie she was really helpful and amazing at her jobread more
Jim Gane
Jim Gane
21:59 19 Nov 18
A family member of mine wet in for mental health care. The facility, the staff, the treatment were all quite beneficial. Working with office and finance staff was quite easy and helpful as well!read more
Alexandra Stuart
Alexandra Stuart
01:40 14 Nov 18
If you're looking of short-term care, D'Amore is the place to go! The staff are kind, compassionate, and honest. They work to relate to you, and are people you can turn to. You get a chef prepared dinner every night- and the Chef is an awesome human being as well as a great human being. If structure is what you seek, this is the place for you. It can take a bit of reminding sometimes if you make a request, so your stay will provide an excellent opportunity to learn to advocate for yourself!! I felt community and belonging here. I learned to start trusting again. The staff truly cares about their clients and you can feel it. You may feel stifled and overprotected, but when you leave the world seems a bit colder. D'Amore lives up to it's name as well as it's denote 'foundling'; an abandoned infant discovered and cared for by others. You WILL find a sense of home and family here!!read more
Elizabeth Stipher
Elizabeth Stipher
20:55 24 Oct 18
As a professional in the recovery field, I wholeheartedly recommend D’Amore Healthcare as one of the top and most trusted primary mental health and dual diagnosis treatment programs in the recovery community today. D’Amore takes great pride in their Build Me Up program which fosters behavioral and cognitive change through gracious redundancy of positive reinforcement, meditative work (a program focused on recalibrating the circadian rhythm), intensive group work and interdisciplinary treatment team as well as their conservative, phased approach to medication. D’Amore offers engaging outings that challenge the patient's on a daily basis, individualized treatment plans and nutritious chef prepared meals that cater to those with special dietary needs. D'Amore is a professional yet nurturing and warm environment.read more
Donnie Moon
Donnie Moon
13:22 22 Aug 18
I was a patient at D'Amore for 30 days. Over those 30 days, I participated in the best treatment program and made lasting relationships that I'll never forget.If you suffer from mental-health, dependency or substance abuse issues, D'Amore can help. I've personally witnessed countless patients enter the program a figment of their past selves, and conclude the program a completely changed (for the better) individual. Able to re-enter the world a changed, more confident self. Myself being one of them.I owe a great deal to this program. I have found the tools and gained the knowledge to overcome my mental-health concerns while in treatment here. The staff is first-class, the activities are fun and engaging, the environment safe and clean, and group therapy really helps conquer whatever it is you're dealing with.There is zero doubt, I made the right decision to seek help at D'Amore. Thank you D'Amore, and thank you Erin, and Jennifer for your continued support! Even after treatment.read more
Renee Ritter
Renee Ritter
21:00 03 Aug 18
Everything from different types of groups to the atmosphere, to meeting with the psychiatrist made D'Amore unlike any other mental health care facility that I have ever been to. Dr El was honestly the best psychiatrist. I feel like he really listened to me as an individual rather then just another patient and that made me feel so much more comfortable every time I met with him. I love all the medical staff which were very helpful and always educated me on my medications and checked up on me to make sure I was doing well. I can't thank D'Amore enough for giving me that extra love and attention I needed to bring myself back from the dark place I was in. Thank you again so much D'Amore!!!read more
J.D. W
J.D. W
20:48 29 Jun 18
D’Amore – What a blessing! From in-take to discharge – great experience. In a time of need, they have gone above & beyond to assist our family, provide lifelong tools, answer questions, explain everything in great detail & have wonderful medical care. Each & every staff member, I have been in contact has been kind & compassionate willing to help & guide me through each situation. The staff is knowledgeable, organized, qualified professionals that show genuine concern for each patient. The facilities are clean, well-organized, great food & are a safe environment. D’Amore thank you for all of your help, we wouldn’t be where we are today, with out you all.read more
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